Snape Primary School

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‘You live a new life for every language you speak. If you only know one language, you only live once.’

Czech proverb


At Snape we aim for our children to enjoy and be confident in learning a different language. We aim to introduce the learning of the French language and the understanding of its culture in enjoyable and stimulating ways. We hope to embed the essential skills of listening, reading, speaking and writing. We aim to build the children’s ‘culture capital’ so that they are aware of similarities and differences between cultures. Ultimately we hope they leave Snape confident to explore different languages at secondary school, enjoy making connections with words they already know. Even better if they can communicate using what they've learnt and make themselves understood whether here or in a different country.


We use the Rigolo scheme to teach French which ensures coverage and progression across KS2. Yr 2/3 and 4/5/6 have a 30 minute-45 minute French lesson during one term a year-often the Spring term. The Rigolo scheme of work is divided into units such as family, home or school. Each unit is then divided into four or five lessons. The units combine whiteboard and class activities using interactive resources featuring the Rigolo family characters for whole-class teaching. We also have a Pierre Puppet and a BOF puppet to help and some popular children's books in French- for example, 'La chenille qui fait des trous' or 'Les coleurs d'Elmer'.

Each lesson is framed by starter and plenary activities to refresh pupils’ memory of language learnt previously or to reflect on what has just been learnt to help learning stick.


Using the Rigolo curriculum has many 'learning points' which are assessed during the lesson. Tricky parts can then be repeated to supoprt deeper learning. We have regular 'speedy' conversations which we build up such as asking' what's your name?', 'How old are you' etc in pairs or pupil/teacher responses. This low threat high challenge supports confidence and a willingness to have a go so pronunciation and intonation can be 'honed'. Children leave with a a love of languages, having learnt about other cultures. They are able to:

understand and respond to spoken and written language from a variety of authentic sources

speak with increasing confidence, fluency and spontaneity, finding ways of communicating what they want to say, including through discussion and asking questions, and continually improving the accuracy of their pronunciation and intonation

discover and develop an appreciation of a range of writing in the language studied