Snape Primary School

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Geography underpins a lifelong “conversation” about the earth as the home of humankind.’

Geography Association


We believe it is important for children to enjoy geography - to have a good knowledge of where they live and of the world around them; locational, human and physical features of both. To leave school with a curiosity about the world and its citizens.


We teach Geography using as much of our local and wider area as we can. We teach via themes such as Our local area, Rivers and Mountains or Rainforests. These themes are taught for an hour's lesson per week at least one term per year.


From their study of geography at Snape, children will acquire a life-long knowledge and understanding of places (near and far), people and processes. They will know that:

  • geography is the study of how people and places interact
  • where they live (locality, county, country and continent)
  • the names and locations of the world’s continents and oceans
  • what rivers, mountains, coasts, rainforests and volcanoes are, including one notable example of each and a simple grasp of the impact each of these can have on communities
  • key differences between rural and urban areas
  • that some places are very different to others
  • children will have basic map & fieldwork skills.