Snape Primary School

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‘Every human is an artist.’ Don Miguel Ruiz


We wish for all our pupils to form a love of art in all its forms. By the time children leave they will have experienced and developed skills in drawing, painting, 3D, textiles and print making. They therefore will be able to use different forms and media to explore their ideas and produce artwork in these different forms.

Children evaluate and analyse creative works using the language of art, craft and design. They learn about the works of well known artists, craft makers and designers, understanding the historical and cultural development of those art forms.

All children keep a sketchbook to record and develop their ideas.


All chidren have a sketchbook to record art and develop their ideas. This remains with them through the school-added to with new ones along the way.

We use the scheme of work "Access art" to support our teaching of progressive skills. This provides a range of opportunities across the areas. Throughout the year, each term chiildren will develop their drawing and painting skills. Each term they will add to these with a focus on either 3D, print making or textiles. Access Art develops 'Pathways' in these art forms. These are based around the fundamental mark making/drawing aspect, developing a particular medium and studying different artists who use that particular art form....a holistic approach to art. Pathways enable children to learn particular key subject specific vocabulary, see it used by artists and use themselves when responding to art and craft work.

We are an Arts Mark Award school and offer children the opportunity to pursue their own creative ideas via art media with our Arts lead Miss. Ruth Wharrier supported by 2 parent artists-Mr. Ben Wardle and Mrs. Anna Kerry. Children can gain their own arts award after attending the Art Award art explorer club.


Children have an array of ideas and evidence of working in a range of art forms on display, in photos and in their sketchbooks. They see value in their own and others' work. They talk about art forms with enthusiasm and enjoyment. They can discuss the artists and crafts people they have explored over the years.

As they get older they're able to choose their own ways of communicating through and show increasing independence and empowerment in expressing themselves through art and crafts.

We are a former Gold Arts Mark school and are currently pursuing re accreditation. A high number of children received their Arts explorer certificates for drawing up their own creative responses using their choice of media.

Displays around the school show high quality art forms in not only 2D but also 3D and sketchbooks throughout the school show children's developing skills and emerging ideas.