Snape Primary School

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Pupil Premium


The pupil premium gives schools extra funding to rise the attainment of disadvantaged pupils from reception to year 11. The government introduced a fund of £625 million in April 2011 to give schools £400 per year for:

  • every child currently registered as eligible for free school meals
  • children who have been looked after for 6 months or longer

From April 2012, pupil premium funding was also extended to:

  • all children eligible for free school meals at any point in the past 6 years


This year we are using our Pupil Premium funding of £19940 to remove barriers to learning and enable them to make the best progress they are capable and indeed deserve to make regardless of any potential obstacles in their lives.

  • ​Weekly Speech and Language session with a Sp and L TA who then implements targeted activities, personalised for individual children, throughout the week in class sessions.
  • Weekly Sessions with a Play Therapist.
  • Intervention groups to support spelling and writing strategies to improve writing outcomes at the end of the year.
  • ​Behaviour + learning attitudes TA working alongside children who need to increase their learning stamina and good learning habits to model and develop strategies for successful classroom learning.
  • Continued support for school trips including residentials.
  • Learning Nurture HLTA: Bespoke support for learning barriers - teacher 1 to 1s for gap analysis, drawing up personalised plan + 1 to 1s to carry out targeted activities.
  • Raising self esteem through ELSA groups with an ELSA trained TA.
  • Green education with a qualified FOREST SCHOOLS practitioner teaching life long skills such as gardening, den building, team work and tool handling.
  • Raising aspirations and adding to the wonder of learning by planning+arranging enriching experiences such as visiting speakers.

If you think you are entitled to Pupil Premium please complete the registration form.


Previous Pupil Premium Statements