On a Learning Adventure Together
We follow the National Curriculum BUT we adapt it to our village school and teach the skills in that document the Snape way. We believe in teaching through themes to help children make links and understand concepts in a deeper way. If you click on the subject headings as sub pages under curriculum you will find out more about individual subjects. See below for our curriculum vision overview.
A plan of what we want pupils to know and to be able to do, at different stages and by the time they leave school.
We have high aspirations for our children to enjoy learning; we are inclusive and support all pupils to teach them about the modern world, build on their skills, and reach their potential. Mental health and well-being is promoted in order to have a positive attitude, confidence to try new things and to cope with the ups and downs of life.,.learning how to be ME
We want them to IMAGINE through books, stories and ideas. We want to send out articulate children who are able to be CREATIVE in communicating whether that is using language, in the form of music, dance - we want them to be able to express their ideas and views. Our rural location means we want to enable children to look outwards into the wider world so our children will encounter a diverse range of families, humans and views to ensure they leave with tolerance and understanding of all creeds and colours-EQUALITY AND DIVERSITY. We wish for our children to be discerning about the wealth of information around them so they are able to grasp and remember the important bits. We want them to be able to reason, justify and provide evidence for ideas. We would like them to be able to see other points of view and develop empathy. They need to be strong to combat the ups and downs and life so we want them to make mistakes, not be afraid to take risks and get it wrong so they can try something different - INNOVATE and create learning links and stamina for what’s to come next for them. Setting out into the world in the 2020s means exploring the world around us, how it works+what is possible through Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths. (STEM) Our children will be investigators, experiment and develop research skills to find out for themselves + draw their own conclusions. We will have opportunities to explore latest technologies and how they can use them to support them later on in life and probably teach their families a thing or too as well!
How we know that the children have learned what they have been taught.
The intended impact of our curriculum is that the majority of children, in each year group, are articulate and have developed detailed knowledge and progression of skills across the curriculum to work at their age related expectations or above.. They know more and can remember more. In addition, we want our children to be inspired by the curriculum, understanding that their learning can open doors and take them on many more learning adventure in the future.
See subject lead overviews for subject-specific impact.
How we teach and assess the curriculum.
Quality first teaching is used within every area of the curriculum. We have high expectations for all children and expect each child to have equity of access with challenging subject knowledge and vocabulary.
We promote a can do attitude and balance a supportive culture whilst encouraging independence .
Reading for pleasure and enjoying story is a thread from Pre School to Year 6. Even the oldest children enjoy a class novel which is often woven into our theme for the term.
We use the ESSENTIAL LETTERS AND SOUNDS PHONICS SCHEME for the teaching of Early Reading.
Children are able to use and apply skills taught in Maths and English across the curriculum. Active and experiential learning is very much part of helping children make learning memories. This includes using the outdoor environment as much as possible including Forest school for R - Yr 4 weekly.
Each Foundation subject has a Subject Assessment Map (SAM) which focusses on the key concepts and vocabulary needed at the end of EYFS, Yr 2, Yr 4 and Yr 6.
Each subject implements their curriculum using a range of resources and bought schemes as a starting point; these core schemes are personalised according to the year groups and pupils within the class with key focus on subject specific vocabulary.
Examples of schemes we use include: One Decision (PSHE/SRE), National Centre for Computing Education (ICT), Get Set for Education (PE), Rigolo (French), Access Art (Art) Suffolk Emmanual Scheme (RE) and Kapow (music & DT). Staff well-being is extremely important to us; therefore, by using core schemes, they actively reduce teacher workload whilst delivering high quality lessons with accurate, challenging subject knowledge.
We record assessments termly for English and Maths, on our tracking system called Insight. We use a range of strategies to collect the information such as: on-going formative assessment, art displays, learning in books, mini quizzes, double page spreads, Proof of progress mini tasks, live performances e.g recorders in assemblies or drama productions at the Maltings, PiXL assessments, SATS KS1 / KS2 and Phonics test and Reception Baselines.
For Foundation subjects we collate pictorial evidence using our school drive and use our SAMS to assess against at the end of a topic.
See subject lead overviews for subject-specific implementation.